Far Infrared is the 'chi' energy in humans and animals, which is also emitted from sunlight. The amount of Far Infrared produced by the human body fluctuates constantly. When its intensity is high, we feel healthy and are able to overcome ailments. When the Far Infrared begins to weaken, we are susceptible to disease and illness and tend to age more rapidly.
We can be exposed to Far Infrared heat for hours and it will never cause our skin to burn. Far Infrared heat is not only safe, but highly beneficial for our bodies. Far Infrared therapy is commonly used for medical treatments by doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists alike. It is used to incubate premature babies, as well as treat arthritis, joint pain, stiff muscles, injuries to tendons and ligaments, and generally promote faster self body healing. Instead of heating air, Far Infrared heat warms objects, so the air does not feel too hot. The heat is capable of penetrating deep into the human body, by as much as 4cm, where it gently elevates the body's surface temperature and activates major bodily functions. It is a much safer, more beneficial and effective way to cleanse in a heated environment. Typical sweat produced in traditional saunas contains 97% water and 3% toxins. Sweat produced from a FIR sauna is found to be 80% water and 20% toxins! These toxins contain metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel, copper, sodium, aluminium, pesticide residues, petroleum-based toxins, chloride, fluoride, as well as fat. FIR heat causes these toxins to be released from cells. The toxic molecules will then reside transiently in the lymph fluid. Since sweat is manufactured from the lymph fluid. Toxins present in the lymph fluid will exit the body through the sweat. Studies have also shown that a 30 minute far infrared sauna session can burn between 200-600 calories. As the body works to cool itself while using a far infrared sauna, there is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate. Blood flow during whole body hyperthermia is reported to rise from a normal 4-7 litres per minute to as much as 12 litres per minute. Journal of the American Medical Association, August 1981 Toxic Cleansing with Far Infrared (FIR) Waves: "One of the reasons FIR has beneficial results in a variety of illnesses, is the ability of FIR waves to remove toxins, which are often at the core of many health problems. Toxins that cannot be removed immediately after they enter the body are encapsulated by clusters of water. Blood circulation becomes blocked and the cellular energy impaired where these toxins accumulate. However, when a 10-micron FIR wave is applied to water molecules containing toxins, the water begins to vibrate. This vibration reduces the ion bonds of the atoms that are holding together the molecules of water. As the breakdown of the water molecules occurs, encapsulated gases and other toxic materials are released. One study done by American researchers showed that the sweat released by users of a FIR sauna was different than the sweat of people using a conventional sauna or doing normal exercise. The non water portion of sweat released in a FIR sauna was cholesterol, fat soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals, sulphuric acid, sodium, ammonia and uric acid." - Dr. Kyuo, Japan. Health practitioners worldwide recognize Far Infrared Saunas as one of the most effective method of removing both heavy metal toxins from the body and chemicals from our bodies. The combination of “resonant absorption” and low heat makes this a detox method of choice for chronically ill patients as well as those that are well and wish to stay that way by reducing their ‘toxic burden’ |
BenefitsSome of the MANY benefits of FIR saunas include; Removal Of Toxins From The Body
Light Therapy
After CareRemember’ Drinking adequate amounts of water before, during and after your sauna is essential in order to prevent dehydration A good supplement program, containing fat-mobilizing vitamins and essential fatty acids makes the sauna even more effective. Be sure to shower afterwards; prevent those toxins from reabsorbing back into your body by washing with a non toxic body wash. Taking saunas or other “heat treatments” is not a luxury, but like exercise, is a physical responsibility and an important element of the physical responsibility and an important element of the physical pathway. Incorporating saunas after exercise is even better. Exercise beings to mobilize toxins and saunas continue the process. You may need to make a few sauna visits before you can tolerate extended periods of time, but the benefits of these heat treatments are incredible. Theses treatments feel good for very good reasons; they provide beneficial physical stimulation-including increased lymphatic and cardiovascular circulation, as well as the removal of toxins all of which are good for the health and function of your cells. |
Case StudyA study reported in Sweden involved a 70 year-old man who had rheumatoid arthritis secondary to acute rheumatic fever. He had reached his toxic limit of gold injections and his erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was still 125. After using a far infrared sauna for less than five months, his ESR was down to 11. A rheumatologist worked with a 14 year-old Swedish girl who had difficulty walking downstairs due to knee pain from the age of eight. This therapist told her mother the girl would be in a wheelchair within two years if she did not begin gold corticosteroid therapy. After three far infrared sauna treatments, she began to become more agile and subsequently took up folk dancing without the aid of conventional approaches. A clinical study in Japan reported a successful solution for seven out of seven cases of rheumatoid arthritis treated with whole body far infrared sauna therapy. |
1 Session $45 6 Sessions $210 ($35 each) Towel Hire $5 |