Imagine if all 7.5 billion people on Earth took care of their own special place.
Wayapa® is an earth connection practice which is both physical and intentional, reconnecting Earth, Body, Mind and Spirit. Providing practical, sustainable measures for generations to come. The practice is accessible to everyone. EARTH MIND BODY SPIRIT WELLBEING
MARIE DENNIS I am a Birri Gubba woman from North Queensland that feels very honoured to be able to share Wayapa with you all. I am thankful to both Jamie and Sara for gifting me with Wayapa. This practice has given me the opportunity to rebirth the connect that I have been missing for some time. Now to be able to help others reconnect to Earth and the spirituality that they hold within gives me a sense of gratitude and fulfilment. There are many of us that work tirelessly to help others, but at times forget to look after ourselves. Not only do we need self-care, but we need to go that extra step. If we look after Mother Earth, she will in return look after us, which enables us to look after others. My scope of work includes: Individual Consultations Workshops tailored to specific organisation / community needs Workshops for all ages. I have extensive experience working with Young People, Women and Children experiencing Domestic Violence and Individuals that are at Risk or Vulnerable. Look forward to hearing from you. Wayapa Trainer As a fully certified Wayapa Trainer, Marie delivers Practitioner Training with fellow Trainer Alana Marsh. CONTACT DETAILS:
QLD Logan and surrounds and will travel on request. 0436278529 [email protected] |